
Battlebots champions
Battlebots champions

More than 65 teams from United States, Europe, Asia and South America will travel to Las Vegas with their fighting machines to slug it out in a series of battles to the death.

battlebots champions

Presented by returning hosts Chris Rose and Kenny Florian, the sixth season of the popular show will air on Discovery Channel later this year. Fans will witness world-class fighting machines and the very best domestic and international bots battling to the death in the hopes of being crowned the 2021 BattleBots World Champion. Robots from around the globe will convene to battle for the highly-anticipated 2021 BattleBots World Championship, which takes place inside the iconic BattleBox arena at Caesars Entertainment Studios, now through Sept.

battlebots champions battlebots champions

The hit TV show “BattleBots,” the world’s premier robot combat competition has found a new home in Las Vegas and tickets to be part of the live audience are on sale now.

Battlebots champions